November 2, 2018

Citrix PVS - Automate PVS Target Device and VM Creation

This post is to share a Citrix PVS / VMware PowerShell script I created over the last year or so to automate the creation of additional VM's in VMware and create the PVS devices, assign them a PVS image, a PVS site, add them to the domain and then add the vDisk to the new devices. I have transitioned jobs since I first wrote this script so I haven't updated it in a few months but figured it would be helpful to some out there


SageLike Post ID: SL0020

Applies to:
Citrix Provisioning Server
Citrix XenApp
Citrix XenDesktop
VMware ESXi

October 2, 2018

Updating Your Citrix Account

Having a Citrix account is essential to working with Citrix technologies.  You will need one if you want to download software, open a ticket, participate in the forums.  Over the years, these accounts have gone by a few different names: account, MyCitrix account, or Citrix support account.

Your Citrix account can also be used as point of authentication into Citrix Cloud services like Workspace.  These accounts are tied to an organization and should be managed during staffing changes.

Managing Accounts:
  • Accounts can have different levels of privilege (not all accounts have the same access)
  • Your sales account team can not change levels of privilege as they are not a part of your organization
  • To modify security access on individual accounts see CTX130127 for details
  • If there has been a lot of staffing changes in your organization, often the easiest thing to do is to call Customer Service (1-800-424-8749) and have them help you figure out who in the organization has the permissions to elevate new accounts.  They can also make the changes for you.
  • Manage your account at
  • Change your password at

TL;DR version:

1. Go to
2. Under Dashboard, click on Administer Company User Access
3. Go to Contact restrictions tab.
4. Select the contacts who should have administrator access and click submit.
5. The portal will take time to reflect the changes, allow up to 2 hours minimum to see the changes.

September 7, 2018

What is Citrix Workspace

In May of 2018, the Citrix Workspace was announced.  There has been a lot of discussion about what is a digital workspace and what does it mean for the modern employee.  Twenty years ago when I joined the workforce, a workspace meant a desktop in a cube probably running Windows 95.  If you were not in that cube, no work was getting done--it was cut and dry.  Flash forward to 2018, and work happens on a desktop, on a phone, on a tablet and it could be almost anywhere.  All of these things make up the modern digital workspace.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Citrix VP Steve Wilson (@virtualsteve) to talk about the new Citrix Workspace this week.  Steve was in Denver to talk to customers and I was delighted to get a few moments of his time.

Photo credit @virtualsteve

Steve is one of the big names you see on the keynote stage at events like Citrix Synergy or Citrix Summit.  Below is his section from Synergy 2018 in Anaheim.


As the Citrix VP for Cloud and IoT, Steve has an interesting focus on where these two technologies meet. We compared notes on IoT devices we have in our homes and also discussed how this is going to creep into the business world more and more. This is no secret with big names focusing their efforts on IoT like Amazon with their Alexa for Business line and Microsoft's investment into Azure IoT Hub.  While Citrix is no stranger to IoT, it was exciting to hear about some of the things Steve and team are working on. Cool stuff, that I definitely can not talk about in a public blog post.  All I can say is I can not wait for my next trip to Orlando.

Quickly the topic changed to the Citrix Workspace.  Big promises were made during the Synergy keynote in May that the Workspace would be available to customers 90 days.  Those promises have been met and we are already seeing customers leverage the platform.  In my mind, it really is a platform that can be built upon.  I have been excited about the Citrix Workspace for some time now but Steve pointed out a few exciting ways the Workspace could grow to make it easier for employees to get work done.

Today you can leverage it to access Windows apps and desktops, Linux apps and desktops, software as service applications (SaaS) like Workday and  Possibly more important than the apps is it can also aggregate your files.  Check out what this looks like with the 8-minute video below.

If you are new to the idea of a digital workspace.  Here is a short video series titled #WorkspaceUnplugged by Steve and Joe (@joevaccaro) where they get into the why, how, and what this is all about.  Each video is only a couple of minutes and they are listed in order.

I hope that this has been a good overview of Citrix Workspace.  I am excited about what has been delivered in the first couple of months but I am very excited about what is coming.

Brian @sagelikebrian